martes, 23 de julio de 2013

Basilica and Expiatory Church of the Holy Family

Hello English classmates. Today I’m going to write about a building that I like. I'm a big fan of the artistic work of Antoni Gaudi, not only of his drawings and artworks but also its architecture. When I was at school I wanted to study architecture to design work as he designed. My favorite building is the Basilica and Expiatory Church of the Holy Family, or more commonly known as the Sagrada Famila. The Sagrada Familia is a large roman catholic church in Barcelona, Spain and it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Sagrada Familia was begun in 1882 and is not yet finished. Antoni Gaudí took over the project in 1883 and completely changing it. From general sketches of the building, Gaudí improvised the construction as he went along, he took over the project until his death in 1926. The Sagrada Familia does not blend at all with the surrounding architecture because it has an enormous dimension which makes it a stunning building for passersby, but I must say that it is the only building of Gaudí in Barcelona. I discovered the Sagrada Familia when I was in college and I had to make a presentation in class about this building, I hope someday I can travel to Barcelona and visit the Sagrada Familia.

The Creation of Adam

Hello everyone, I’m going to write about a piece of art I like. I'm a big fan of art, I think it's one of the most wonderful expressions of the human being. Unfortunately I have not had a chance to see live and direct the work I most admire, but I hope that one day I being able to travel to visit it. The piece of art that I like is called The Creation of Adam, it is a the most famous section of Michelangelo’s fresco Sistine Chapel ceiling, It was painting about 1511 b.c. – 1512 b.c. and this piece of art represent the Biblical creation narrative from the Book of Genesis in which God breathes life into Adam. I saw this for the first time in a picture that my uncle Guillermo had in his house. After the death of my uncle Guillermo my grandmother gave to me this picture, so this piece of art means a lot to me. The picture that I have is an approach to the hands of God and Adam. I think the Sistine Chapel speaks for itself and does not needs a big explanation as to its greatness is concerned, is the most amazing piece of art on the planet.

jueves, 11 de julio de 2013


Hi everyone! the TV show I’m going to write about is called “The Centurions”. For me it is very hard to pick my favorite TV series because until today I entertain a lot watching cartoons such as Saint Seiya, Bugs Bunny, Tom and Jerry, The Pink Panther and many others that I can’t remember right now.  I chose "Centurions" because I remember that I did not miss any chapter, I entertained a lot watching them and playing with my Lego blocks. Another reason why I want to tell you about "Centurions" is that do not know any person who has seen or heard of them. The Centurions is about the battles of Max Ray, Jack Rockwell and against Doc Terror Ace McCloud and his assistant Hacker. Doc Terror wants to conquer the earth, so the Centurions must stop at any cost. Each member of the Centurions has a special suit that allows the placement of armor. Max is the Sea Operations Commander, Jack is the Land Operation and Ace is the Air Operations Expert. The Centurions are based on a space station called Sky Vault where Crystal Kane uses a transporter to send the Centurions and the requested weapon systems to where they are needed. The Centurions also have a hidden base in New York City called Centrum. Unfortunately The Centurions only have 65 chapters, but on the other hand is a call for them to see the show and spend a very nice time. I hope that after reading this post you guys can see some chapters.
I leave the TV show intro.

jueves, 4 de julio de 2013

Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?

Hello everyone, today I’m going to write a comment about TED’s conference “Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?”. First of all the title of the conference is a question that I want to reply. For me the school was a very difficult period because I always was a very restless kid from very young, so I frequently had troubles in the school. My mom thinks the reason was that I had a lot of energy and I was not be able to guide it in the best way, she also thinks that maybe it would have been beneficial to me that I had taken some medication to calm my energies, but she thinks it would have been a big mistake.  I think in cases like the one I had to live, the format of the school does not benefit the potential of children, but rather harms channeling the energies of children to other fields like making mess. The children are born with the ability to fantasize, to invent different things and what the school does is "destroy" these capabilities. Schools do not take into account these factors that may be more qualitative than quantitative because there is no willingness to enhance features, which in my opinion, are regarded in less.